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Behaviour Nudges - Strikes or Future Social Credit?

In March 2018, Microsoft announced a new approach to online discomforts, "Microsoft will ban 'offensive language" and "inappropriate content" from Skype, Xbox, Office and other services on May 1st." Microsoft claimed it has capacity and jurisdiction to access and adjudicate private data. Microsoft has a service agreement which will be updated on the 30th of September 2023, that includes a code of conduct, which outlines what you can and can't do with the service.

In February 2019, Youtube updated their strike system, they are quite clear on the first, second and third strike rules. Three strikes in the same 90 day period results in a permanent ban, deleting content doesn't remove a strike, strikes can be applied to deleted content.

For most violations on Facebook, strikes will lead to the following restrictions:

  • One strike: You'll get a warning as this is your first strike.

  • Two to six strikes: You'll be restricted from some features, such as posting in groups, for a limited amount of time.

  • Seven strikes: You'll get a 1-day restriction from creating content, which includes posting, commenting, creating a Page and more.

  • Eight strikes: You'll get a 3-day restriction from creating content.

  • Nine strikes: You'll get a 7-day restriction from creating content.

  • Ten or more strikes: You’ll get a 30-day restriction from creating content.

Restrictions on public figure accounts during civil unrest as also been updated across Meta services. Public figures are defined as state and national government officials, political candidates, if you have over a million followers or receive substantial news coverage. When a pubic figure's restrictions expire and they regain access to their accounts, restricted practices remain in place to deter repeat offences.

In February 2023, Tiktok introduced a similar strike framework designed to increase "enforcement" against "bad actors" accruing penalties as content is removed, as you reach certain thresholds different punishments are dished out. Strikes expire after 90 days, accounts get permanently banned once they hit capacity, thou Tiktok has never shared the accumulation limits.

The behaviour economics team hosted by the Prime Minister and Cabinet was established in Australia in 2016, my blog on BETA explores How The Government Manipulates You.

Get in touch with Gatty and share your thoughts on how we can make Tasmanian politics more transparent and accountable.

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